About Cyclamineus
Cyclamineus is a small nursery that specialises in the breeding and propagating of botanical Cyclamen. The nursery is situated in the green heart of Holland. The name Cyclamineus derives from Jean Marie VandeWeghe, a good Belgium friend who shared the same passion but sadly passed away a few years ago. Cyclamineus was his alias on Outlook.
My interest in Cyclamen started a long time ago. As a 16 years old boy I went on my moped to the dutch bulb fields and bought my first C. hederifolium and C. persicum tuber from a local grower. I was impressed that after planting the dry tuber the first flowers appeared in only a few weeks. It caught my interest and it never left me again. It was the beginning of the collection I have today, some 35 years later.
As a professional breeder of shrubs and perennials I can also use my skills for my hobby the Cyclamen. That’s why I am introducing some registered varieties which are of interest to others who share the same hobby.
Every year I try to go to the countries were the Cyclamen are growing in the wild to see them in their natural habitat. Reason for starting this website is to share my photographs and knowledge with other people who are interested in this genus.
Every year I want to make a seedlist with the seeds I have available from my collection. So I hope that the plants from my collection will make other people as happy as they make me.
Marco ten Hoope